CBDT Circular: Withdrawal of Pending cases after Enhancement of Monetary Limits

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The CBDT has stated that it is clear that the revised monetary limits so mentioned in circular 17/2019 is applicable, to all pending SLPs/ appeals/ cross objections/references. All such pending appeals within the revised limits shall be withdrawn on or before 31.10.2019 and a fortnightly report as to progress on withdrawals should be submitted to Board, by 15th & 31st of every month

Download CBDT Circular On Low Tax Effect Appeals

F. No.279/Misc/M-93/2018-ITJ
Government. of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
Room No. 12, 5th Floor,
JeevanVihar Building,
Parliament Street,
New Delhi.
Dated the 20th August, 2019


All Pr. Chief Commissioners of Income Tax

Sub:- Withdrawal of Pending cases after Enhancement of Monetary Limits – matter reg.

Ref. Circular No. 17/2019 dated 8th August, 2019 (F. No. 279/Misc. 142/2007- ITJ(Pt)) and Circular No. 3 of 2018.


Kindly refer to the aforesaid subject. Representations have been received from the field, seeking clarifications on applicability of Circular 17 of 2019 on pending appeals.

2. In this regard, it is stated that Circular 17 of 2019 relaxes the monetary limits as mentioned in the table there in and all other paras, except para 5 of circular 3, relating to composite orders shall be applicable in toto.

3. Therefore, it is clear that the revised monetary limits so mentioned in circular 17/2019 is applicable, to all pending SLPs/ appeals/ cross objections/references. All such pending appeals within the revised limits shall be withdrawn on or before 31.10.2019 and a fortnightly report as to progress on withdrawals should be submitted to Board, by 15th & 31st of every month.

4. This issues with the approval of the Chairman, CBDT.

Encl: as above
Yours faithfully,

(Abhishek Gautam)
Tele: 011- 23741832

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