Appointment of Chief Justice in Bombay High Court

Appointment of Chief Justice in Bombay High Court
By Staff on October 13th, 2018

Office of the Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court has been lying vacant for quite some time, consequent upon retirement of Mrs. Justice Manjula Chellur, Chief Justice of that High Court. Therefore, appointment to that office is required to be made. Mr. Justice N.H. Patil is the senior-most Judge from Bombay High Court and at present is functioning as Acting Chief Justice of that High Court


Re: Appointment of Chief Justice in Bombay High Court.

Office of the Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court has been lying vacant for quite some time, consequent upon retirement of Mrs. Justice Manjula Chellur, Chief Justice of that High Court. Therefore, appointment to that office is required to be made.

Mr. Justice N.H. Patil is the senior-most Judge from Bombay High Court and at present is functioning as Acting Chief Justice of that High Court.

Having regard to all relevant factors, the Collegium finds Mr. Justice N.H. Patil suitable in all respects for being appointed as Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court. The Collegium resolves to recommend accordingly.

While making the above recommendation, the Collegium has also taken into consideration the fact that at present there are two Chief Justices from Bombay High Court and, out of two Chief Justices, one viz. Mr. Justice D.B. Bhosale is going to retire on superannuation shortly on 23rd October, 2018 thereby leaving only one Chief Justice from Bombay High Court, which is one of the biggest High Courts with sanctioned Judge-strength of 94 Judges.

It is made clear that the Collegium while making the above recommendation is conscious of the fact that Mr. Justice N.H. Patil hails from Bombay High Court and is due to retire in April 2019. In this connection, the Collegium has invoked the provision of the Memorandum of Procedure which provides for elevation of a puisne Judge as Chief Justice in his own High Court if he has one year or less to retire.

(Ranjan Gogoi), C.J.I.
(Madan B. Lokur ), J.
(Kurian Joseph ), J.

New Delhi,
October 09, 2018.

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